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Thread: NameTag The Future of Facial Recognition and Dating?

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  1. #1
    Andrei Riciu
    Andrei Riciu is offline
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    NameTag The Future of Facial Recognition and Dating?

    NameTag si a new app that you can use to see someone's social media profiles by just taking a photo. It also compares the photo with dating websites data bases such as Match.com or OkCupid.com . In a statement to the press it's creator Kevin Alan said : ‘I believe that this will make online dating and offline social interactions much safer and give us a far better understanding of the people around us." What do you think? Would you use such an app? Would you mind someone taking a photo of you to check you up for let's say availability?

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    Alfonso is offline
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    I could see the usefulness of such an app, though, not a lot of people reveal information to non-friends on Facebook, so you might just get some very basic information that's already obvious to you. You'll probably have to take the photo very close up and in good lighting for facial recognition to work properly too. Its a cool idea for an Google glass app though.
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  3. #3
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    sidd230 is offline
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    This just seems plain creepy. Wearable tech has to cross a a very large social barrier to become mainstream.
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    caparica007 is offline
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    I agree with sid, so someone would take my picture to check online my info? Everyone would be FBI on the streets?
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  5. #5
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    scobel is offline
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    They can already take your picture with street cameras, ATMs, smartphones you name it. What's with all this anxiety?
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  6. #6
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    caparica007 is offline
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    Right scobel, but not everyone has access to street cameras right? With this app anyone could check online for your face, anyone!
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