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Thread: "Google Glass has zero chance of ever becoming mainstream." What do you think ?

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  1. #11
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    NatureSun is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by sk8ter10121 View Post
    I think it will trend at first and slowly die off similar to the apply craze back in 2005. That being said though I do see it becoming very mainstream very quickly.
    In what sense is Apple dying? It still has a great market share and doing better than most other companies.

    Anyways, I don't think Google Glass will quite reach the popularity of iPhones when it was at its peak. We should keep in mind this is the first device ever in a new product category. It will take time to catch on. People will need to be convinced that this is a device which will be very useful to them and will make their lives much easier.

    Especially since the price point will be pretty high, people will need even more convincing on why they should put down so much money for a device like this.
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  2. #12
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    yellowbird is offline
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    I don't think it will become mainstream unless advancements in technology improve and make the original version almost obsolete. iPods and iPhones weren't exactly mainstream in the beginning; they were seen as luxury items one had to save up for or receive for a gift if you were in middle class (I realize this is a generalization). Now you can buy used ones for a decent price. Once that happens with Google Glass, once other similar technologies evolve around it and make it more common or basic, then I predict that it will become more commonly used by common people. (Such as myself )
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  3. #13
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    Romario99 is offline
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    That article is nonsense. Glass will be a hit when it is released.
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  4. #14
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    Nub_Cannon is offline
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    I think "mainstream" is price dependent for the Glass, if it doesn't end up costing a ton of money it should be fine.
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    iShootRocks is offline
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    I see it becoming mainstream but it may take awhile to catch on, especially for those who don't like to wear glasses often.
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  6. #16
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    Maniak21 is offline
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    I think it will become mainstream, just as smartphones are mainstream nowadays. It might take a bit of time to become mainstream, but eventually will.
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  7. #17
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    caparica007 is offline
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    It really depends on what you mean by mainstream. Will it replace computers? I don't think so. Will it create a new need for users, yes, no doubt about it. For me it will be a big success, but it will never replace the computer, or at least not in a near future.
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  8. #18
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    Nub_Cannon is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by caparica007 View Post
    It really depends on what you mean by mainstream. Will it replace computers? I don't think so. Will it create a new need for users, yes, no doubt about it. For me it will be a big success, but it will never replace the computer, or at least not in a near future.
    I agree, I don't think that Glass is capable of doing many of the tasks that computers do, so computers won't be replaced.
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  9. #19
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    caparica007 is offline
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    Yep, but I do see a lot of uses for it, especially outdoors and who knows that if in some areas of business they can adapt and use it as "workstation", that would be great. Just see to believe it though.
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  10. #20
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    Kyama3 is offline
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    I honestly think it will be a hit, for some time, but then it will die down. I really think Google Glass is just a little too niche to be extremely popular at least for now.
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