Recent Content by Alex Dumitru

  1. Alex Dumitru

    Hello from California

    Welcome Luigi. What do you think about Google Glass ?
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Feb 3, 2014 in forum: Introduce Yourself
  2. Alex Dumitru

    Glass overheating?

    It usually overheats while charging. If it wasn't charging when you got this error, then I think you should contact Google. There might be an issue...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: Help & Q&A
  3. Alex Dumitru

    He Comes The INDIAN Sailor

    Welcome to the forum Pranav !
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: Introduce Yourself
  4. Alex Dumitru

    Just invited, want to buy... should I?

    I don't recommend getting it right now, because they should release the customer edition version by April and it should be much cheaper than now....
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: General Discussion
  5. Alex Dumitru

    Who Else Would Like To See A Google Gaming Console?

    I don't think Google is working on a gaming console because the future doesn't seem very bright for them. Steam's console is basically a desktop...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: Chit Chat
  6. Alex Dumitru

    Intercourse while wearing Glass

    I think it's worth a few bucks, but it will probably be free, because usually developers don't start charging for apps when they have such few...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Google Glass Apps & Games
  7. Alex Dumitru

    Google Glass SMS Signature

    Just update your Glass to XE12. Google has removed the SMS signature in XE12, so you don't need to do that anymore. Read more about XE12 here.
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Help & Q&A
  8. Alex Dumitru

    Explorer Edition Purchase Price vs Consumer Release Price

    I believe the customer edition will be even better than the Explorer edition, so I suggest you to wait if you're not in a hurry. I'm also planning...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Help & Q&A
  9. Alex Dumitru

    Will Monovision Contacts be a Problem with Google Glass?

    Contact lenses are just fine with Google Glass. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have any issue. You can make a test by placing your smartphone at the...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Help & Q&A
  10. Alex Dumitru

    Hello from Romania

    Welcome to the forum. We're also from Romania !
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Introduce Yourself
  11. Alex Dumitru

    Intercourse while wearing Glass

    This is really interesting and I bet we'll see more and more apps like that. And about porn, it was to be expected. You can't have a gadget without...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Google Glass Apps & Games
  12. Alex Dumitru

    Bowling Superstar Belmo Wears Glass During A Perfect 300

    It's here already. Check out the article I've written today :)
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Google Glass News
  13. Alex Dumitru

    Hi from Ireland

    Welcome to the forum. You should start saving up, because they should be released in April !
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Introduce Yourself
  14. Alex Dumitru

    How to take a screenshot on Google Glass?

    I wrote an article for you. You have two ways of doing it and I recommend Vignettes, because it's much easier.
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Help & Q&A
  15. Alex Dumitru

    Glass Could Trigger A Huge Interest In Wearable Technology Market

    I'm pretty sure that these gadgets are becoming better and better and we will probably have really good smartwatches and glasses in the following...
    Post by: Alex Dumitru, Jan 17, 2014 in forum: Google Glass News